1 result for 'SS.SMp.KSwSS.SlatMxVS'
SS.SMp.KSwSS.SlatMxVS Saccharina latissima with Psammechinus miliaris and/or Modiolus modiolus on variable salinity infralittoral mixed sediment
Shallow kelp community found on stony mixed sediment, in full or variable salinity, in sheltered or moderately exposed conditions, with weak or very weak tidal currents. The community is characterised by a dense covering of Saccharina latissima. Beneath the kelp canopy, frequent Psammechinus miliaris may be found grazing the algal turf and scattered Modiolus modiolus are characteristic of this biotope. Encrusting the suface of stones and pebbles are Spirobranchus triqueter and in the sediment between the stones, the burrowing anemone Cerianthus lloydii may also be present. Small patches of Lithothamnion glaciale may be found in this biotope, although these patches do not form distinct beds as in SS.SMp.Mrl.Lgla. In addition, a more ubiquitous fauna such as Asterias rubens and Pagurus bernhardus are also present. This biotope is generally found in sea lochs.