5 results for 'SS.SMu.OMu.PjefThyAfil'
SS.SMu.OMu.PjefThyAfil Paramphinome jeffreysii, Thyasira spp. and Amphiura filiformis in offshore circalittoral sandy mud
Deep, offshore cohesive sandy mud communities characterised by the polychaete Paramphinome jeffreysii, bivalves such as Parathyasira equalis and Thyasira gouldi (sometimes in elevated densities) and the brittlestar Amphiura filiformis. Other taxa may include Laonice cirrata, the holothurian Labidoplax buskii and the polychaetes Goniada maculata, Spiophanes kroyeri and Aricidea (Acmira) catherinae. Amphiura chiajei may be occasional in this biotope as may Hermania scabra, Levinsenia gracilis, and Pholoe inornata. In areas of the North Sea, such as the Swallow Sand MCZ, this biotope has been observed in sediments with a coarse material component. This biotope along with SS.SMu.CSaMu.ThyEten, SS.SMuCSaMu.AfilKurAnit, SS.SMu.CSaMu.AfilEten and SS.SSa.OSa.OfusAfil, may comprise the Amphiura dominated components of the 'off-shore muddy sand association' (Jones 1951; Mackie 1990) and the infralittoral etage described by Glemarec (1973) and may exist in a transitional environment with SS.SSa.OSa.OfusAfil.
SS.SSa.OSa.OfusAfil Owenia fusiformis and Amphiura filiformis in offshore circalittoral sand or muddy sand
Areas of slightly muddy sand (generally <20% mud) in offshore waters may be characterised by high numbers of the tube building oweniid polychaete Owenia fusiformis and Galathowenia sp., often with the brittlestar Amphiura filiformis. Whilst O. fusiformis is also found in other circalittoral or offshore biotopes it usually occurs in lower abundances than in SS.SSa.OSa.OfusAfil. Other species found in this community are the polychaetes Goniada maculata, Pholoe inornata, Diplocirrus glaucus, Chaetozone setosa and Spiophanes kroyeri with occasional bivalves such as Timoclea ovata and Thyasira equalis. The sea cucumber Labidoplax buski and the cumacean Eudorella truncatula are also commonly often found in this biotope. This biotope along with SS.SMu.CSaMu.ThyEten, SS.SMu.CSaMu.AfilKurAnit, SS.SMu.CSaMu.AfilEten and SS.SMu.OMu.PjefThyAfil, may comprise the Amphiura dominated components of the 'offshore muddy sand association' (Jones 1951; Mackie 1990) and the infralittoral etage described by Glemarec (1973). Variants of the biotope may contain the characteristic high numbers of Owenia fusiformis and Amphiura filiformis, but may also include Arctica islandica and Ennucula tenuis. Where these occur, the biotope may be considered a transitionary variant between SS.SSa.OSa.OfusAfil and SS.SMu.CSaMu.AfilKurAnit.
SS.SMu.CSaMu.AfilEten Amphiura filiformis and Ennucula tenuis in circalittoral and offshore sandy mud
In cohesive and non-cohesive sandy mud, off moderately exposed coasts in deep water dense populations of Amphiura filiformis with the bivalve Ennucula tenuis may occur. This biotope together with SS.SMu.CSaMu.AfilKurAnit, SS.SMu.CSaMu.ThyEten and SS.SSa.OSa.OfusAfil may be part of the Amphiura filiformis dominated infralittoral etage described by Glemarec (1973) and part of the 'off-shore muddy sand association' described by other workers (Jones 1951; Mackie 1990). Other species characteristic of this biotope may include the echinoderms Ophiura albida and Echinocardium flavescens and the bivalve Kurtiella bidentata. Phaxas pellucidus, Owenia fusiformis and Virgularia mirabilismay also be present. At the sediment surface the hydroid Sertularia argentea may be present although only at very low abundances. Variations of this biotope exist in the northern North Sea (SS.SMu.CSaMu.AfilKurAnit) and it is possible that more than one entity exists for this biotope. Collectively the biotopes SS.SMu.CSaMu.ThyEten, SS.SMu.CSaMu.AfilKurAnit, SS.SMu.CSaMu.AfilEten, SS.SMu.OMu.PjefThyAfil, and SS.SSa.OSa.OfusAfil, may form the Amphiura dominated components of the 'off-shore muddy sand association' described by other workers (Jones 1951; Thorson 1957; Mackie 1990) and the infralittoral etage described by Glemarec (1973).
SS.SMu.CSaMu.ThyEten Thyasira spp. and Ennucula tenuis in circalittoral sandy mud
Circalittoral cohesive sandy muds with small quantities of gravel, off sheltered or moderately exposed coasts may support populations characterised by Thyasira spp., in particular Thyasira flexuosa. Other characteristic taxa may include Ennucula tenuis, Goniada maculate and in some areas Rhodine gracilior. Kurtiella bidentata, Abra alba, Harpinia antennaria and Amphiura filiformis may be abundant in some examples of this biotope. Whilst moderately diverse, animal abundances are often low and it is possible that the biotope is the result of sedimentary disturbance e.g. from trawling and is possibly an impoverished version of SS.SMu.CSaMu.AfilEten. Collectively the biotopes SS.SMu.CSaMu.ThyEten, SS.SMu.CSaMu.AfilKurAnit, SS.SMu.CSaMu.AfilEten, SS.SMu.OMu.PjefThyAfil, and SS.SSa.OSa.OfusAfil, may form the Amphiura dominated components of the 'off-shore muddy sand association' described by other workers (Jones 1951; Thorson 1957; Mackie 1990) and the infralittoral etage described by Glemarec (1973).
SS.SMu.CSaMu.AfilKurAnit Amphiura filiformis, Kurtiella bidentata and Abra nitida in circalittoral sandy mud
Cohesive sandy mud off wave exposed coasts with weak tidal streams can be characterised by super-abundant Amphiura filiformis with Kurtiella bidentata and Abra nitida. This community occurs in muddy sands in moderately deep water (Hiscock 1984; Picton et al. 1994) and may be related to the 'offshore muddy sand association' described by other workers (Jones 1951; Thorson 1957; Mackie 1990). This community is also characterised by the sipunculid Thysanocardia procera and the polychaetes Nephtys incisa, Phoronis sp. and Pholoe sp., with cirratulids, such as Notomastus latericeus or Mediomastus fragilis, and terebellids, such as Polycirrus plumosus or Diplocirrus glaucus, also common in some areas. Other taxa such as Nephtys hombergii, Echinocardium cordatum, Nucula nitidosa, Callianassa subterranea and Eudorella truncatula may also occur in offshore examples of this biotope. Additionally, several variants of this biotope can be described in transitionary environments between biotopes such as SS.SMx.CMx.KurThyMx where coarser material is present, SS.SSa.OSa.OfusAfil in sandier environments offshore or SS.SMu.ISaMu.MelMagThy in shallower waters. Collectively the biotopes SS.SMu.CSaMu.ThyEten, SS.SMu.CSaMu.AfilKurAnit, SS.SMu.CSaMu.AfilEten, SS.SMu.OMu.PjefThyAfil, and SS.SSa.OSa.OfusAfil, may form the Amphiura dominated components of the 'off-shore muddy sand association' described by other workers (Jones 1951; Thorson 1957; Mackie 1990) and the infralittoral etage described by Glemarec (1973).