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Marine Habitat Classification


4 results for 'CR.HCR.XFa.FluCoAs'

   CR.HCR.XFa.FluCoAs  Flustra foliacea and colonial ascidians on tide-swept moderately wave-exposed circalittoral rock

This biotope typically occurs on the upper faces of moderately tide-swept, moderately wave-exposed circalittoral bedrock or boulders (although a variant is found on mixed substrata). It most frequently occurs between 10-20m water depth. The biotope is exposed to varying amounts of scour (due to nearby patches of sediment) and, as a consequence, is characteristically dominated by dense Flustra folicaea, a range of colonial ascidians and a variety of other scour/silt-tolerant species. In addition to F. foliacea, other bryozoans present in this biotope include Alcyonidium diaphanum, Bugulina flabellata and Crisularia plumosa. Varying amounts of the soft coral Alcyonium digitatum may be recorded, depending on the amount of scouring which may vary locally. Where scour is a major factor, species such as the scour-tolerant Urticina felina are frequently observed. Hydroids present in this biotope include Nemertesia antennina, Halecium halecium, Tubularia indivisa and Hydrallmania falcata. Other species present include silt-tolerant sponges such as Sycon ciliatum, Cliona celata, Leucosolenia botryoides, and the ascidians Clavelina lepadiformis and Botryllus schlosseri. Balanus crenatus may be recorded occasionally on the boulder/rock surface, and the crab Cancer pagurus may be observed finding refuge in crevices and under boulders. More ubiquitous species present include Asterias rubens, Crossaster papposus, Ophiothrix fragilis and Pagurus bernhardus. Three variants of this biotope have been defined. FluCoAs.SmAs tends to have a high abundance of barnacles, which populate the rocky seabed. The second variant (FluCoAs.Paur) is characterised by abundant Polyclinum aurantium in addition to F. foliacea, which often incorporates sand grains into itself, giving the crustose appearance of sandy rock nodules. Finally, FluCoAs.X is found on mixed substrata and is characterised by a dense hydroid turf growing alongside F. foliacea and other scour-tolerant species.

   CR.HCR.XFa.FluCoAs.X  Flustra foliacea and colonial ascidians on tide-swept exposed circalittoral mixed substrata

This variant is typically found on very exposed to moderately exposed, circalittoral mixed substrata subject to moderately strong tidal streams. It most frequently occurs between 10m and 20m water depth. This variant is characterised by a dense hydroid and Flustra foliacea turf, along with other scour-tolerant species, growing on the more stable boulders and cobbles which overlie coarse muddy sand and gravel. Although Nemertesia antennina is the dominant species within the hydroid turf, other species such as Halecium halecinum, Nemertesia ramosa and Hydrallmania falcata may also be present. Other bryozoans found amongst the hydroid and Flustra turf include Cellepora pumicosa, Bugulina flabellata, Bugulina turbinata, and a crisiid turf. Encrusting red algae, the polychaete Spirobranchus triqueter and barnacles such as Balanus crenatus may be found on the smaller cobbles and pebbles, which may become mobile during extreme storms. Echinoderms such as Asterias rubens and Ophiothrix fragilis may be present on the boulders, or the coarse sediment in between. On the larger, more stable boulders, isolated sponge communities may develop, with species such as Sycon ciliatum, Dysidea fragilis, Hemimycale columella, Amphilectus fucorum and Stelligera montagui. In addition, small Alcyonium digitatum, various ascidians (Clavelina lepadiformis, Botryllus schlosseri), Pododesmus patelliformis and top shells (Calliostoma zizyphinum, Steromphala cineraria) may colonise the upper faces and vertical sides of larger boulders. At some shallower sites, the foliose red algae Hypoglossum hypoglossoides may be found on the tops of larger boulders. Within the coarse sediment underlying these boulders and cobbles, anemones such as Cerianthus lloydii and Urticina felina may be recorded. Under-boulder fauna typically consists of terebellid worms, and crabs such as Pisidia longicornis and Cancer pagurus.

   CR.HCR.XFa.FluCoAs.Paur  Polyclinum aurantium and Flustra foliacea on sand-scoured tide-swept moderately wave-exposed circalittoral rock

This variant is typically found on the upper face of moderately exposed, moderately tide-swept, circalittoral bedrock or boulders. Sand and silt are periodically re-suspended in the water column, resulting in scour-tolerant species being characteristic of these areas. There is a dense covering of the scour-resistant bryozoan Flustra foliacea attached to the bedrock plains and boulders. The colonial ascidian Polyclinum aurantium commonly covers the rock surface at most locations within this biotope - itself incorporating sand grains into its surface to give it the appearance of sandy rock nodules. Other ascidians that may occur in this crust are the flat, encrusting colonial Botrylloides leachii, Botryllus schlosseri and the colonial ascidian Clavelina lepadiformis, although in varying quantities at each location. A short turf of other bryozoans such as Alcyonidium diaphanum, Crisularia plumosa and Bugulina flabellata occur amongst the ascidians. Other species found in this biotope are the sponges Cliona celata, Leucosolenia botryoides and Sycon ciliatum, the hydroids Tubularia indivisa, Nemertesia antennina, Halecium halecinum and the anthozoans Alcyonium digitatum and Urticina felina. Echinoderms which may be present include the starfish Asterias rubens, Crossaster papposus and the brittlestar Ophiothrix fragilis. Crustaceans such as the crab Cancer pagurus, the hermit crab Pagurus bernhardus and the lobster Homarus gammarus may be observed in crevices and under boulders. The palps of the polychaete Polydora spp. may be observed whilst the nudibranch Antiopella cristata may be seen preying on the hydroid/bryozoan turf. This variant is commonly found on the Northumberland coast, Flamborough Head and the Lleyn Peninsula.

   CR.HCR.XFa.FluCoAs.SmAs  Flustra foliacea, small solitary and colonial ascidians on tide-swept circalittoral bedrock or boulders

This sub-biotope is typically found on the upper faces of exposed to moderately exposed, tide-swept, scoured, circalittoral bedrock or boulders. It most frequently occurs between 10-20 m water depth. The biotope is characteristically dominated by dense Flustra foliacea with a variety of slightly scour/silt-tolerant species forming a dense turf. This turf is primarily composed of bryozoans (Alcyonidium diaphanum, Bugulina flabellata, Crisularia plumosa, Bicellariella ciliata) and hydroids (Tubularia indivisa, Nemertesia antennina, Sertularia argentea, Hydrallmania falcata, Abietinaria abietina). Where space permits, barnacles such as Balanus crenatus may be found encrusting on the rock surface. There may also be occasional crusts formed by the polychaete Sabellaria spinulosa, especially where the rock is most influenced by sand. Anthozoans which may be observed include Urticina felina, Cylista elegans, whilst the soft coral Alcyonium digitatum may be recorded on the tops of boulders and bedrock ridges. A range of small solitary and colonial ascidians may be seen, including Polycarpa scuba, Dendrodoa grossularia, Molgula manhattensis, Botryllus schlosseri, Clavelina lepadiformis and polyclinids. Sponges found include Sycon ciliatum, Cliona celata, Amphilectus fucorum and Dysidea fragilis. Echinoderms such as Asterias rubens, Henricia oculata and Crossaster papposus may be seen on the rock surface. Other species found include the top shell Calliostoma zizyphinum, the crabs Cancer pagurus and Necora puber.
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